We are whiplash…

We are whiplashed between an arrogant overestimation of ourselves and a senile underestimation of ourselves. – Parker Palmer

I think what scares me the most is success (because things will change that are out of my control), and the second thing that scares me senseless is thinking that I will never be able to grasp that success (and then nothing will ever change). It comes down to wanting to maintain your comfort level in the mundane and striving to move yourself from ordinary to extraordinary. Of course, that all depends on what your definition of success is.

Mine is quite a bit different from the dictionary’s definition.

What prompted this change of mood from my previous post of complaining about the hot summer weather?

I was watching Courtney Martin give a talk on TedTalks. Her talk “Courtney Martin: Reinventing Feminism”, was definitely inspiring and gave me a lot of food for thought. (http://www.ted.com/talks/courtney_martin_reinventing_feminism.html)

To sum it up, and possibly give you a few things to think about, I’d like to outline the three paradoxes she talked about.

Paradox 1: Rejecting the past and then promptly reclaiming it.

Paradox 2: Sobering up about our smallness and maintaining faith in our Greatness.

Paradox 3: Aiming to succeed wildly and being fulfilled by failing really well.

She then goes on to tell everyone that we should do a few things: Embrace the Paradox, Act in the face of overwhelm, and Love people well. Very wise words, in my opinion.

I wish I could thank her in person for the wonderful talk she gave. The website that she co-edits: Feministing.com, is actually well received and I enjoyed paroozing the site and reading different articles.

I can’t say that I am the standard textbook version of a feminist. Probably far from it. I believe in gender equality and the greatness we can achieve if both male and female and every shade of gender in between worked together and supported one another fully. I believe that if a woman wants to stay home and take care of her family instead of work a 9-5, she shouldn’t be labeled with an outdated and inappropriately used stereotype. Same goes for if she is the CEO of a company. Same goes for men. In my mind its really just that simple. You don’t have to be a loud activist to hold the same views; and labels only get you so far.

That being said, I hope you – my lovely readers – will go check it out and tell me what you think in the comment section below.

If you have any other links or lectures and whatnot that you would like to share – please do! I would love to check it out!

Hugs, Kisses, Love for all,



Gawd it’s freakin’ hot outside.

Summertime always makes me want to switch my sleeping schedule from sleeping at night to sleeping during the day – JUST TO ESCAPE THE HEAT AND THE CONSTANT SUNLIGHT!

I also become SUPER lazy when its hot. Hence not being able to reach the computer in my office to blog…or write…or get prepared for the upcoming semester at the university. (Hasn’t stopped me from playing online video games, just stops me from doing anything else important.)

I don’t know how people do it in places that have sunlight for 18+ hours straight.

Weather in the desert is temperamental – or just plain mental – at best. One day it’ll be 90 degrees, a nice dry heat, slight breeze to make it bearable, and the next day it hits you in the face with 100+ degree weather and its fucking humid.

Where the humidity came from? No one knows…

We got back from Vegas about a week and a half ago and almost cried when we got back across NM state lines. It was cloudy, it was 85ish degrees all the way home and it was raining. Like real rain, not the occasional spurts of cloud piss we get in central New Mexico. Vegas was 117 degrees when we left – and miserable.

It even rained four out of the seven days last week here in the Land of Enchantment. SHOCK!

Needless to say, us desert people were exceptionally happy standing outside gawking and looking up at the rain as if it were something mystical and foreign to us.

Today I decided that the laziness needed to stop. My sister and I have been feeling the affects of supreme mid-summer lazy and we have had enough. So back to keyboard I go!

On a serious note, I hope everyone is enjoying their summer and that the weather hasn’t had any horrible affects on them. Stay safe, stay cool, stay hydrated.

I love air-conditioning,


hot summer

Birthday lunch at Serendipity

It’s like eating in an Alice in Wonderland themed restaurant …. If Alice made sweet sweet love with Hello Kitty lol.


My sister and her friend and I are eating at Serendipity. It’s this awesome little place just outside Ceasar’s Palace. It’s hot as hell outside so we got something cold and alcoholic at a stand outside the restaurant while waiting for our table.

I didn’t know I have a fondness for peach slushy drenched in rum.

I’m feeling pretty good. 🙂

Happy birthday little sister. I’m glad we have this time together.

Cuddles, love, orgasms, chocolate and kisses,


P.s. seriously, mix peach slushy with rum. Nom nom nom nom

Stuck in the middle of the desert… Drinking.

Lemme set the scene for you: Today is my sisters birthday. She is 24 years old and ready to party!

The past two years she’s been planning this birthday trip to Vegas. So much happy and excitement. We packed, we cleaned the house, we left notes for Curious George so he can take care of business while we are away.

On the road!! We were making good time, singing songs, laughing and talking about everything. Things are good. Life is great. Get ready Vegas, here we come!!

Then, about 30 miles outside of Holbrook we end up in a loooonnnggg line of traffic. Single lane.

The car is stopped for 15 minutes. Gotta turn off the car. We get pissy, my sister and her friend start getting snarky. Everyone in the car has to suddenly pee really bad!!! It’s 94 degrees outside. Cloudless with a slight breeze.

Time goes by, we get out and walk around. Sit back in the car. Bitch a little. Consider going offroading in a ford fusion just to go the other direction. The girls get out to talk to the truckers. I sit inside the hot shade of the car like the good vampire I am.

Apparently there are three semi trucks that crashed and rolled over in the middle of the one lane construction zone here about 25 miles outside of Holbrook on i40. Nobody is going anywhere. Cleanup crew is on its way but it will be a few hours before they get here.

On the plus side – I get excellent coverage here.

So what else is three bored young women in their 20’s supposed to do in the middle of the desert with nothing to do?

You betcha! My sisters friend went into the trunk and brought out a huge bottle of wine.

“Let’s get drunk in the middle of nowhere!” Says them.

“Let’s make this into an adventure!” Says I. (Since I’m driving I am not going drink, but will watch as they get plastered in the back seat.)

Only problem: no cork pulley outy thingy.

Fuck balls.

-swooshing cape noise –


Never fear! There are truck drivers near!! It took one truck driver and a nice man from the minivan in front of us with a spare cork pulley outy thingy, but the cork is out and the girls have made use of empty Starbucks espresso bottles as wine glasses.


It’s hot as hell, the wind has died down and it feels even hotter than before. But the girls are getting toasted and celebrating her birthday in the back of a hot car in the middle of the desert.

As long as we have good memories on my sister’s birthday – all is well. We’ll get to Vegas eventually.

Life is good.


My sister’s cat is in heat – I have retreated to my office.

The  only thing that will save me now is if I barricade myself in my office and ignore the feline-in-heat sounds of “SOMEONE! ANYONE! PLEASE HUMP ME BARNYARD STYLE!!!”

It’s my sister’s little cat that is not fixed. My much older male cat has been fixed for years. All he can do now is hit it and then quit it – if you get my meaning. And he is so old that he can only do it like once or twice a day before he just climbs off her and walks away for a nap. Or hides under the bed. Or in my lap. He’s so desperate to get away from her.

I know he is successful at his chosen hiding place when she walks around the house meowing mournfully.

How like life.

My poor cat. She flaunts herself like the hussy she is. He politely declines and asks her to give him some space from her hormone crazed emotional ups and downs. She swats him in the face, purrs, then rolls over and flicks her tail in his face. He declines again. She gets angry. He finally gives her one last, “Sorry, toots, my nether bits aren’t working for you today.”

She comes back with:

I'll go cray cray on the couch if I don't get me some. I'll even blame you.

I’ll go cray cray on the couch if I don’t get me some. I’ll even blame you.

And she would. It’s kind of awesome.

So for today, I am locking myself in my office with my poor abused cat and writing another chapter in my novel. Maybe doing so more editing. Lets hope she doesn’t realize he is in here reading the latest from Sylvia Day, hiding under the covers on top of my chaise lounge. If she were to find out….

Cat Pounce

Shhhh…she might hear us.




My sister is my hero… A Pantless hero, but still a hero

I was running super late for my appointment at a new doctors office. I called my youngest sister and she raced over to my house. About halfway to the office on the other side of town it occurs to me that she has extremely long legs today. …

…. “Little Sister, where are your pants?” I says to her.

And without even any hint of hesitation or embarrassment she replies, ” I’m not wearing any. Just my panties. I had to rush to get here and I didn’t want to put on pants.”

So nonchalantly she discusses her lack of pants. And a lack of a bra.

She takes after me, bless her heart.

It was like a scene out of The Fast and the Furious…. Only with cute blue panties with bows on them.

Got there only ten minutes late thanks to her. We were going super fast.

Love you Bug, you are my hero.


Gym humor

My sister and I go to the gym a few times a week. To get through our hour and a half we use gym humor. Little chants, if you will. Here are a couple of our favorites:



And then we chant one I made up. It goes like this:

You can’t twerk it if you don’t work it!

I is genius. I know.

There is also one that goes

No squats no twats!

But I couldn’t find a picture for that one.


Aurora “DERP Master 5000” Moncayo